Customer Satisfaction, Net Promoter Score.
To measure customer satisfaction is to seek to reveal and discover their attitudes and responses, which is a vital tool for the health of a business. Depending on the degree to which a product or service meets your expectations, and based on the experience with the brand, the customer will make some or other decisions. If everything is satisfactory, it aligns with your demands, if it even exceeds your expectations, then you will join more with the firm and promote / promote it.
Satisfaction, perceived with a continuity and not only as something punctual, is configuring more loyal customers and who will recommend the business.
To consider how to measure customer satisfaction is to accept that what can not be quantified or measured can not be improved. It is important to discover what works and what does not. Thus, we can obtain information about:
• Acceptance of the last product released • The relationship of a client, or a segment of them, with the brand • The perception of the company • Satisfaction with the service experience • The sections that most interest the web, app, etc.
The Net Promoter Score is a metric created in the 90s that is used as a way to forecast the behavior of people when they make purchases and make recommendations. The NPS is a question that works with 10 available points, for example it could be:
From 1 to 10, what is the probability that you recommend our service?
The total number of people can be divided into three groups:
• Detractors: they are responding from 0 to 6, this indicates a direct discontent with the company and not only will they not recommend your brand, on the contrary it is very likely that they will be in charge of convincing their friends and family not to use your products or services. • Neutral: those who answer 7 or 8, this indicates that it is unlikely that they recommend your company but they will not take negative actions either. • Promoters: those who answer 9 and 10, this indicates that it is certain that these people will go through life recommending your brand.
Once these 3 groups exist within your results, you build the metric as follows:
Net Promoter Score ® =% of Promoters -% of Detractors
The percentage of Promoters subtracts the percentage of detractors, leaving aside the percentage of Neutrals. If you have high NPS means that there are more people recommending your company than those who discourage you from using your products or services, however, a negative and / or low NPS represents the opposite.